closing a lot of bugs in bugzilla through the (Red Hat) bugzilla web site is a royal pain in the a**.
1) get the bugzilla CLI utility:
`dnf install -y python-bugzilla`
(or `yum install python-bugzilla`
2) sign in to bugzilla using your bugzilla account and password:
`bugzilla login`
3) get a list of bugs to close:
`bugzilla query --from-url=''`
bugzilla query --from-url='' | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | sed -e s/#//`
4) and close them:
`bugzilla modify <bug> [<bug> ...] --close=EOL --comment="GlusterFS 3.4.x has reached end-of-life.\
If this bug still exists in a later release please reopen this and change the version or open a new bug."`
Additional scripting is left as an exercise to the reader.