NFS-Ganesha 2.3 is rapidly winding down to release and it has a bunch of new things in it that make it fairly compelling. A lot of people are also starting to use Red Hat Gluster Storage with the NFS-Ganesha NFS server that is part of that package. Setting up a highly available NFS-Ganesha system using GlusterFS is not exactly trivial. This blog post will “eat the elephant” one bite at a time.
Some people might wonder why use NFS-Ganesha — a user space NFS server — when kernel NFS (knfs) already supports NFSv4? The answer is simple really. NFSv4 in the kernel doesn’t scale. It doesn’t scale out, and it’s a single point of failure. This blog post will show how to set up a resilient, highly available system with no single point of failure.
Let’s start small and simple. We’ll set up a single NFS-Ganesha server on CentOS 7, serving a single disk volume.
Start by setting up a CentOS 7 machine. You may want to create a separate volume for the NFS export. We’ll leave this as an exercise for the reader. do not install any NFS.
1. Install EPEL, NFS-Ganesha and GlusterFS. Use the yum repos on Repo files are at
nfs-ganesha.repo and glusterfs-epel.repo. Copy them to /etc/yum.repos.d.
% yum -y install epel-release
% yum -y install glusterfs-server glusterfs-fuse glusterfs-cli glusterfs-ganesha
% yum -y install nfs-ganesha-xfs
2. Create a directory to mount the export volume, make a file system on the export volume, and finally mount it:
% mkdir -p /bricks/demo
% mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb
% mount /dev/sdb /bricks/demo
3. Gluster recommends not creating volumes on the root directory of the brick. If something goes wrong it’s easier rm -rf the directory than it is to try and clean it or remake the file system. Create a couple subdirs on the brick:
% mkdir /bricks/demo/vol
% mkdir /bricks/demo/scratch
4. Edit the Ganesha config file at /etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf. Here’s what mine looks like:
EXPORT { # Export Id (mandatory, each EXPORT must have a unique Export_Id) Export_Id = 1; # Exported path (mandatory) Path = /bricks/demo/scratch; # Pseudo Path (required for NFS v4) Pseudo = /bricks/demo/scratch; # Required for access (default is None) # Could use CLIENT blocks instead Access_Type = RW; # Exporting FSAL FSAL { Name = XFS; } }
5. Start ganesha:
% systemctl start nfs-ganesha
6. Wait one minute for NFS grace to end, then mount the volume:
% mount localhost:/scratch /mnt
7. Now we’ll create a simple gluster volume and use NFS_Ganesha to serve it. We also need to disable gluster’s nfs (gnfs).
% gluster volume create simple $hostname:/bricks/demo/simple
% gluster volume set simple nfs.disable on
% gluster volume start simple
8. Edit the Ganesha config file at /etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf. Here’s what mine looks like:
EXPORT { # Export Id (mandatory, each EXPORT must have a unique Export_Id) Export_Id = 1; # Exported path (mandatory) Path = /simple; # Pseudo Path (required for NFS v4) Pseudo = /simple; # Required for access (default is None) # Could use CLIENT blocks instead Access_Type = RW; # Exporting FSAL FSAL { Name = GLUSTER; Hostname = localhost; Volume = simple; } }
9. Restart ganesha:
% systemctl stop nfs-ganesha
% systemctl start nfs-ganesha
10. Wait one minute for NFS grace to end, then mount the volume:
% mount localhost:/simple /mnt
Copy a file to the NFS volume. You’ll see it on the gluster brick in /bricks/demo/simple.
Now for the part you’ve been waiting for. For this we’ll start from scratch. This will be a four node cluster: node0, node1, node2, and node3.
1. Tear down anything left over from the above.
2. Ensure that all nodes are resolvable either in DNS or /etc/hosts:
node0% cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 node0 node1 node2 node3 node0v node1v node2v node3v
3. Set up passwordless ssh among the four nodes. On node1 create a keypair and deploy it to all the nodes:
node0% ssh-keygen -f /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/secret.pem
node0% ssh-copy-id -i /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/ root@node0
node0% ssh-copy-id -i /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/ root@node1
node0% ssh-copy-id -i /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/ root@node2
node0% ssh-copy-id -i /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/ root@node3
node0% scp /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/secret.* node1:/var/lib/glusterd/nfs/
node0% scp /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/secret.* node2:/var/lib/glusterd/nfs/
node0% scp /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/secret.* node3:/var/lib/glusterd/nfs/
You can confirm that it works with:
node0% ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/secret.pem root@node1
4. Start glusterd on all nodes:
node0% systemctl enable glusterd && systemctl start glusterd
node1% systemctl enable glusterd && systemctl start glusterd
node2% systemctl enable glusterd && systemctl start glusterd
node3% systemctl enable glusterd && systemctl start glusterd
5. From node0, peer probe the other nodes:
node0% gluster peer probe node1
peer probe: success
node0% gluster peer probe node2
peer probe: success
node0% gluster peer probe node3
peer probe: success
You can confirm their status with:
node0% gluster peer status
Number of Peers: 3
Hostname: node1
Uuid: ca8e1489-0f1b-4814-964d-563e67eded24
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
Hostname: node2
Uuid: 37ea06ff-53c2-42eb-aff5-a1afb7a6bb59
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
Hostname: node3
Uuid: e1fb733f-8e4e-40e4-8933-e215a183866f
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
6. Create the /etc/ganesha/ganesha-ha.conf file on node0. Here’s what mine looks like:
# Name of the HA cluster created. # must be unique within the subnet HA_NAME="demo-cluster" # # The gluster server from which to mount the shared data volume. HA_VOL_SERVER="node0" # # You may use short names or long names; you may not use IP addresses. # Once you select one, stay with it as it will be mildly unpleasant to clean up if you switch later on. Ensure that all names - short and/or long - are in DNS or /etc/hosts on all machines in the cluster. # # The subset of nodes of the Gluster Trusted Pool that form the ganesha HA cluster. Hostname is specified. HA_CLUSTER_NODES="node0,node1,node2,node3" # # Virtual IPs for each of the nodes specified above. VIP_node0="" VIP_node1="" VIP_node2="" VIP_node33=""
7. Enable the Gluster shared state volume:
node0% gluster volume set all cluster.enable-shared-storage enable
8. Enable and start the Pacemaker pcsd on all nodes:
node0% systemctl enable pcsd && systemctl start pcsd
node1% systemctl enable pcsd && systemctl start pcsd
node2% systemctl enable pcsd && systemctl start pcsd
node3% systemctl enable pcsd && systemctl start pcsd
9. Set a password for the user ‘hacluster’ on all nodes. Use the same password for all nodes:
node0% echo demopass | passwd --stdin hacluster
node1% echo demopass | passwd --stdin hacluster
node2% echo demopass | passwd --stdin hacluster
node3% echo demopass | passwd --stdin hacluster
10. Perform cluster auth between the nodes. Username is ‘hacluster’, Password is the one you used in step 8:
node0% pcs cluster auth node0
node0% pcs cluster auth node1
node0% pcs cluster auth node2
node0% pcs cluster auth node3
11. Create the Gluster volume to export. We’ll create a 2×2 distribute-replicate volume. Start the volume:
node0% gluster volume create cluster-demo replica 2 node0:/home/bricks/demo node1:/home/bricks/demo node2:/home/bricks/demo node3:/home/bricks/demo
node0% gluster volume start cluster-demo
12. Edit the Ganesha config file at /etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf on node0. Here’s what mine looks like:
EXPORT { # Export Id (mandatory, each EXPORT must have a unique Export_Id) Export_Id = 1; # Exported path (mandatory) Path = /demo; # Pseudo Path (required for NFS v4) Pseudo = /demo; # Required for access (default is None) # Could use CLIENT blocks instead Access_Type = RW; # Exporting FSAL FSAL { Name = GLUSTER; Hostname = localhost; Volume = cluster-demo; } }
node0% gluster nfs-ganesha enable